Saturday, 18 September 2010

Rotary weekly meeting

Went to Traders Hotel with Roger and Mr.Foong yesterday. I felt so nervous when i saw the screen shown 'Rotary Club weekly meeting' because this was the first time attend this kind of meeting but Roger already is the third time :(
By the way, Interact club of Hehs, Clhs, PFS, HanChiang is under Rotary Club of Penang too. Guang Ming's reporter Miss Lai and others also attended this meeting. I talked not more than 20 sentences to the Rotarian because i know my english was poor but atleast i smiled to them sweetly and they were welcome us to attend this meeting too. 
Around 8pm we sang the National anthem together before they gave a speech. After that, the hand-over ceremony was started with Roger and the current president of Rotary club of Penang, Tan Boon Hoe to representing Rotary to pass the donation to representative of Shan Children Home.
Most of the rotarian was so rich because they have a super-duper high position in their company, such as Physician, Doctor, Lawyers and so on. I really admire them so much because they really done well on their jobs. Hope that i can do so  :) 
Steven Soon, one of the Rotarian. He really is a friendly, handsome and gentle guy but so badly he already 30++ years old. XD Roger keep introduced me to the rotarian because i'm the incoming president. Well, next year is my turns to talk, said good luck to me!!  :)

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


还记得 五年前的某一天


那时候的感受 没有任何人比我更清楚
你身边那一群朋友 一个接一个的离你而去了
现代年轻人常常挂在嘴边说 “好心没好报”
这一点我并不否认 因为我是过来人
撮合你们的是我 被你们挨骂当笨蛋的也是我

还记得 那时候的我
早已忍无可忍 甚至想把你的醜事传告天下
但是最终我还是放弃了 毕竟你还是我的朋友
多一个敌人 不如多一个朋友
P/S: 事先声明 我并不是在扮伟大装委屈

还记得 一个月前的某一天
我们在商场上碰面了 虽然只是擦肩而过的一瞬间 
你也不忘的狠狠瞪我一眼 或许这就是我们沟通的方式
我知道 你憎恨我当初没向你道歉
可是我没犯错 没有必要向你低头认错
我明白 富贵人家的千金确实喜欢听别人对自己的赞美
而不是像我一样 直话直说的教训你所犯下的错误

还记得 你的行为举止是多么另人憎恨的
小小年纪就变成那副德性 真替你父母担心啊
哪怕是你要天上的星星 天堂的仙桃 必定会有人摘下送你
或许 这就是有钱人与穷光蛋的差别
不再多说 我好害怕明天的遭遇

我还记得 那美好童年的时光 全被你给糟蹋了

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Led Watch

The design is ultra minimalist and almost looks just like a bracelet. Watches are quite reflective of a person's personality. The Faceless Watch has LED situated between the links within the bracelet and when it is a certain time, it simply glows in order to reveal time in numbers. The watches will soon be available and would be manufactured in silver. 
"The Led Watch without a Face"
*Perhaps it would be very hard process, study hard to make dreams come true! :)

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Youth Jam'10

Penang Largest Merdeka Youth Carnival 2010
Venue: Penang Times Square  Date: 30/8,31/8  Time: 10am until 12 midnight
♥ Sally, Amanda, Meixian
 Youth Jam'10 volunteer :)
 Yikwen and Khuiching
Caleb and Chorngjiunn
Someone sleeping, Someone kena bullying xD 
 Slamdunk competition *The winner is JianEe (Hehs)
We are Slamdunk volunteer!!  :)

Meet new friends especially slamdunk's volunteer and photographer. Thanks to someone for the drinks because i successfull to shoot in the ball. HaHaa =D
Youth Jam'11, wait me